Self Care…. in my opinion.

I am guilty as i’m sure most other people are for turning to other people around you when you don’t know how to get yourself through a bad day, or a difficult time in your life. But sometimes you don’t always have that one person straight away and sometimes you feel like a burden for putting your problems on someone else.


Here’s a few steps to self-care that i’d like to think will help people’s mindsets during those bad days. (I know I certainly need to listen to myself more!!)

❤ No matter what you believe there are people who care about you and you aren’t alone, even if the people who care aren’t within touching distance of you. People care.

❤ Invest in yourself. Surround yourself with mentors and people you can learn with. Being around negative mindsets will never help you get further.

❤  Trust your instincts.

❤  Never give up on your dreams, they’re yours for a reason.

❤  Don’t be afraid to say No, the same goes for saying Yes. 

❤  Stay away from negativity and drama as much as possible.

❤  Realise you wont always be in control and that’s a good thing.

❤  When things go wrong, take a moment to be thankful for all the other things that are still going right. And if you’re struggling to be thankful for what you have, be thankful for what you have escaped. Sometimes the best gifts in life are the troubles you don’t have.

❤    The minute you stop overwhelming your mind with caring about what everyone else thinks, and start doing what you feel in your heart is right, you’ll feel the release of worries that no longer serve you.

❤  Don’t waste your time on the wrong people, You cannot make someone respect you; all you can do is be someone who can be respected. No matter how much you care some people just won’t care back. 

❤  Always remember that every human being is beautiful; it just takes the right set of eyes to see it.

❤  Be Soft, don’t let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.

❤   Realise that successful people are not gifted, they may not be super clever, they’ve worked hard to achieve what they’ve got and that’s the best kind of person to look up to.

❤   Hang out with people who are self confident, who know what they believe in, and what they want from life. You’ll find that their self-confidence will rub off on you, too.

You will never heal your past by dwelling on it, you heal it by living life in the present.

❤  Don’t let the words and actions of others affect your self-esteem, your life has nothing to do with them.

“No matter how much we want to deny it….when you neglect your feelings to appease others, you are mistreating yourself! And it really takes a toll on you until you no longer know who “YOU” really are.The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.”tumblr_nexdsmGqr11t4o62mo1_400

Blue Monday thoughts….

One of those days…


Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you’ve ever been to stand up taller than you ever were before.  Sometimes your eyes need to be washed by your tears so you can see the possibilities in front of you with a clear vision again.”

Most people aren’t truly happy until they’ve had many reasons to be sad. I believe this isjournal-jar because it takes all of those bad days and hardships to teach us how to truly appreciate what we have. Not everyday is good but there will be something good in everyday of your life. This year i’ve started a jar of good thoughts for 2015, where everyday I write down something that has cheered me up that day and store it so I can look back at the end of the year and smile. It takes a strong person to see the positive on down days.  The key, I have learned, lies in letting go.

Nobody on their deathbed is going to say they wished they spent more time in bed, or more time in work, the biggest regrets are usually not loving enough, not living fully and not seeing more of the world. The chances are the problems in your life wont be worrying you next month or even next week, worrying wont change a thing only time will.

Sleep is good. Like really good. Liv Tyler once said she stayed skinny by getting 12 hours sleep a night. So don’t feel like a moron for sacking off the gym for an early night. Sleep is so important because your body heals and recovers.

People’s lives on social media aren’t real. But you seem to think they are and then compare yourself to them. When was the last time you posted anything that showed the glaring holes in your life? Sometimes you need to just take the pressure off yourself, think about what actually makes you happy, and if it’s the things that don’t involve work, then that is perfectly OK. Remember, nobody ever died wishing that they had worked harder or for longer.

If you want to take off to travel the world, want to settle down and have a family, or just want more time to spend time with the people who mean the most to you, don’t beat yourself up. Being 100% career orientated isn’t what everyone’s designed to be.

Sometimes it’s so easy to overlook the small things, the shared moments that make us giggle, the texts that make us smile, and the times that make us feel deeply content. We forget that those are the big things. The big things that actually matter, the things that make us exist as people. The little moments that added together make up a whole day. So stop focusing so much on the negative moments and more on the things you probably take for granted to have in your life on a day to day basis.
We are afraid to leave behind the things that no longer serve us, grow us or make us smile, because we forget to believe in ourselves enough to know that the other side will be ok. At some point we have all stayed in a relationship that make us cry and question ourselves, all because we replay the memories. We stay in bitter friendships just because they have become a habit and we stay in jobs because we worry what people will think of us if we leave. It’s sad but true. However, Failure is what makes us successful in the long run, walking away from something and coming to terms with the decision to move on is actually one of the easiest ways to find happiness.

J.K. Rowling failed when no-one wanted to publish her, Marilyn Monroe was told she’d never make it as a model or an actress, Oprah was told she wasn’t cut out for TV. The truth is sometimes the best things happen after we’ve failed but you try and try again until you find what makes you sparkle and don’t give up on whatever it is you want and wherever you want to go.

I like to think that whatever life throws at us, nothing will ever be too hard to cope with, because the little woes and worries we’ve already dealt with have made us so much stronger.

here’s to 2015

This blog is going to keep me amused for 2015 I hope! As i approach turning 24, i’m finishing my second year of university and continuing to battle the lifestyle issues of most 20-something girls! If it’s not the struggles of keeping in shape and eating healthy, it’s trying to keep in touch with friends who are all over the place now and maintaining good relationships with the family when i’m away from home.

so far my 2015 has felt a lot like this….


The thought of being half way through my degree is terrifying, and at the age of 23 and 6 months I’m continuously stuck in the thoughts of ‘what am I doing with my life’. My degree is in Television and Radio Production and I study and live in Salford, Manchester. On some days I love it and couldn’t imagine not being here and other days I miss home in Cheshire, just seeing countryside and not hearing a siren every 30 seconds… There’s so much pressure on young people to get a career and work hard but sometimes you might not be happy, so what’s the point spending day in day out doing something that makes you absolutely miserable? I worked in hospitality for 5 years full time, and yeah the money was alright but I hated everything else. I think when you get stuck into such a routine like that time passes and you just get used to being fed up of not having much social life! & that’s exactly why I moved to Manchester to do my degree at Media City (not just to spy on famous people honest).

Anyway! i’ve started this blog to get me through the quiet times and share lots of lovely things with people online. I have such a passion for literature so I will share lists of favourite books and current reads! I also want to offer advice and support to anyone suffering with an Eating Disorder or Mental Illness as I have myself recovered from anorexia when I was younger and I have a deep understanding of these issues that many young people face without knowing how to deal with it.

Please feel free to get in touch with me! The blog will be quite light hearted also hopefully 20-something ladies can relate to a lot of my posts! xx